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Legendre Polynomial

The mathematical formula of the Legendre Polynomials is[1]:

and can be obtained recursively using the formula[1]:

Associated Legendre Polynomial

The Legendre Polynomials can be generalized and this generalization is called Associated Legendre Polynomials. Their definition can be given as a derivative[2]:

or as recursion[2] :

However, those two formulas are not suited for numerical computation. For numerical computation, the following formula can be use (demonstrated in [3]):

1). Compute $P_l^{-l}(x)$ with: $P_l^{-l}(x)=\frac{(-1)^l}{2^ll!}(1-x^2)^{l/2}$

2). Compute $P_l^{1-l}(x)$ with: $P_l^{1-l}(x) = \frac{-2lx}{\sqrt{1-x^2}} P_l^{-l}(x)$

3). Compute $P_l^{-\left|m\right|}(x)$ with the recursive formula:

4). If m is positive then obtain $P_l^{m}(x)$ using:

Fully Normalized Legendre Polynomial

Fully Normalized Legendre Polynomials have different definitions. In this section, the following one will be used[3]:

They can be computed using the following two steps[4]:

1). Compute Sectoral (l=m) $N_m^{m}(x)$ using:

2). Compute non-Sectoral $N_l^{m}(x)$ using the recursive formula:

Identities formulas

$N_l^{m}(x) = (-1)^mN_l^{-m}(x)$

$N_{m+1}^{m+1}(x) = \sqrt{1 - x^2}\sqrt{\frac{2l+3}{2l+2}}\;N_m^{m}(x)$