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Hyper Spherical Harmonics can be defined as [1]:

And Hyper Spherical Transform as:

We can numerically calculate $\operatorname{f}^{m}{\left (\beta,\theta \right )}$ using an FFT since $\operatorname{FFT}(\operatorname{f}) \simeq [\frac{N}{P}\int_{0}^{P} \operatorname{f}{\left(\phi \right )} e^{i m \phi} \, d\phi \quad\text{for}\, m \in [0, N-1] ]$


Knowing the $\operatorname{f}^{m}{\left (\beta,\theta \right )}$, we can calulate $\operatorname{f}^{m}_{l}{\left (\beta \right )}$ using Clenshaw Curtis quadrature:

where $\theta_k = \frac{k\pi}{k_{max}}$ and the $w_k$ are the Clenshaw Curtis quadrature weights (see link)

Then to compute :
     If $l$ is even, the Chebyshev–Gauss quadrature can bes used: